Identity column specifies when ever new value is inserted into table. Identity column automatically inserted value into column. Identity Column can be specified at the time of creation of table. CREATE TABLE Employee ( EMPID INT IDENTITY ( 1 , 1 ), EMPNAME VARCHAR ( 50 ), SALARY INT ) In above table creation script EMPID column specifies IDENTITY property i.e., whenever a new row inserted into a Employee table EMPID Column will automatically value is inserted. INSERT INTO Employee ( EMPNAME , SALARY ) VALUES ( 'RAKESH' , 7000 ) INSERT INTO Employee ( EMPNAME , SALARY ) VALUES ( 'ALI' , 12000 ) SELECT * FROM Employee When u run above select statement is the following result is if u are trying insert value into identify columns .it will give error. INSERT INTO Employee ( EMPID , EMPNAME , SALARY ) VALUES ( 1 , 'RAKESH' , 7000 ) Msg 5...