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Showing posts from September, 2014

Back Up All the DataBases

Here is the simple script for backup all database except system database. declare @DbBackup varchar ( max )=null select @DbBackup = coalesce ( @DbBackup + char ( 10 )+ char ( 13 ), '' )+ 'backup database ' + Name + ' to disk=''D:\Backup\' + name + CONVERT ( varchar ( 10 ), getdate (), 112 )+ '.BAK''' from sys . databases where name not in( 'master' , 'tempdb' , 'model' , 'msdb' ) print @DbBackup

How Pass table variable parameter to Stored Procedure

Step-1: --create Emp type as table create type Emp as table ( Id int , Name varchar ( 50 ) null) Step-2: --create stored procedure with table variable parameter create proc sp_GetEmp ( @In_emp as dbo . Emp readonly ) as begin set nocount on select * from @In_emp set nocount off end Step-3: --Insert some dummy data declare @temp_emp as Emp insert into @temp_emp values ( 1 , 'rakesh' ),( 2 , 'raki' ),( 3 , 'ramu' ),( 4 , 'raju' ) Step -4: --exec stored procedure exec sp_GetEmp @temp_emp

Difference between LEN and DATALENGTH

LEN: LEN function returns the number of characters in a variable .it also removes the trailing spaces and then then return the length. Example-1: DECLARE @Name VARCHAR ( 20 )= 'rakesh' SELECT LEN ( @Name ) as [len] Output: Example-2: DECLARE @Name VARCHAR ( 20 )= 'rakesh ' SELECT LEN ( @Name ) as [len] Output: When we observe above variable assigned 'rakesh ' string after that added 3 spaces . Len function removes trailing spaces not leading spaces. DATALENGTH : DATALENG function returns the number of bytes occupy in a variable .it also considered the spaces also. Example-1: DECLARE @Name VARCHAR ( 20 )= 'rakesh' SELECT DATALENGTH ( @Name ) as [DataLength] Output: Example-2: DECLARE @Name VARCHAR ( 20 )= ' rakesh ' SELECT DATALENGTH ( @Name ) as [DataLength] Output: In above example before ' r ' and after ...

Insert Stored Procedure Data To Table

--Creating the Student Table CREATE TABLE Student ( ID INT IDENTITY ( 1 , 1 ) PRIMARY KEY , FirstName VARCHAR ( 50 ), LastName VARCHAR ( 50 ), Marks INT ) --Inerting the some sample data INSERT INTO Student ( FirstName , LastName , Marks ) VALUES ( 'rakesh' , 'kalluri' , 500 ) INSERT INTO Student ( FirstName , LastName , Marks ) VALUES ( 'Ali' , 'MD' , 600 ) INSERT INTO Student ( FirstName , LastName , Marks ) VALUES ( 'Raju' , 'Ganga' , 700 ) --create procedure with out parameters CREATE PROCEDURE Get_StudentInformation AS BEGIN SELECT * FROM Student END --create Student table in Tempdb CREATE TABLE Tempdb . #Student ( ID INT , FirstName VARCHAR ( 50 ), LastName VARCHAR ( 50 ), Marks INT ) --Inserting data from stored procedure to Temp Table INSERT INTO Tempdb . #Student EXEC Get_StudentInformation -- select d...

Differences Between Primary Key and Unique Key

Both Primary Key and Unique Key enforces the Uniqueness of columns in table. Primary Key Unique Key Primary key does not allow NULL values. Because of Primary Key=Unique Key+ NOT NULL Unique key allows NULL Values. But it allows only single NULL value When we creating the primary key on a table automatically cluster index is created on table. When we the Unique key on a table automatically Unique non-clustered index created on table. A table has a only one primary key. But Primary key can created the multiple columns this is known as composite primary key. A table has more than one unique key. Syntax for Primary key On single Column. CREATE TABLE dbo . Student ( Id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , FirstName VARCHAR ( 100 ), LastName VARCHAR ( 100 ), City VARCHAR ( 50 ) ) Syntax for Unique key On single Column. CREATE TA...


WAITFOR: WAITFOR used to pauses the execution of query from certain time. There are two type's of Wait for. 1.WAITFOR DELAY 2.WAITFOR TIME WAITFOR DELAY : WAITFOR DELAY Cause the execution to delay from specified duration. For example it pause's the execution for 5 second's Example WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05' SELECT * FROM EMP WAITFOR TIME : WAITFOR TIME is pause's the execution wait for specified time. For example '13:15:00' whenever time reached the query will be executed. WAITFOR TIME '13:15:00' SELECT * FROM EMP SELECT GETDATE ()