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Some times we need to query on the all the tables in one data base single statement. We use SP_MSForeachtable this is known as undocumented stored procedures . These all are system stored procedures. These stored procedures is place in Master database.


Please do not run all these queries in Production environment


create database UnDocumentedStoredProcedure

use UnDocumentedStoredProcedure

create table Emp
ID int identity(1,1),
Name varchar(50),
Salary int

insert into Emp(Name,Salary) values('rakesh',8000),('raju',9000)

create table Dept
ID int identity(1,1),
DeptName varchar(100)

insert into Dept(DeptName) values('CSE'),('IT')

We are created new database and also created some table with some dummy data.

Select all tables data:

exec sp_MSForeachtable 'select * from ?'

Checking all tables names with number of rows:

exec sp_MSForeachtable 'select ''?'',count(*) from ?'

Delete all tables data:

exec sp_MSForeachtable 'delete from ?'

Truncate all tables data:

exec sp_MSForeachtable 'truncate table ?'

Disable all constraints from all table :

exec sp_MSForeachtable 'alter table ? nocheck constraint all'

Enable all constraints from all table :

exec sp_MSForeachtable 'alter table ? check constraint all'


Disabling and enabling constraints works only when check constraint or foreign key constraint on top table.


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