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Running .Sql file from command prompt

In this article I am demonstrating the running the .sql files form command prompt.

Step -1
create the table using the sql management studio.

CREATE TABLE tbl_Student
Fname VARCHAR(100),
Lname VARCHAR(100),
Salary INT


INSERT INTO tbl_Student (Fname,LName,Salary) VALUES('Rakesh','Kalluri',10000)
INSERT INTO tbl_Student (Fname,LName,Salary) VALUES('Srujan','Kumar',15000)
INSERT INTO tbl_Student (Fname,LName,Salary) VALUES('Raju','Bhai',17000)
INSERT INTO tbl_Student (Fname,LName,Salary) VALUES('Dany','Mark',18000)

The above script file is saved in Desktop with the file name of Student.sql . The file is saved in desktop now just we need to run the file from command prompt.


Go to run - -> Type CMD - → Click OK

Then command prompt will be opened.

Step -4


sqlcmd -S [Servername] -d[Databasename] -i [Filepath]

Syntax:(For Sql Authentication)

sqlcmd -S[Servername] -U[Username] -P[Password] -d[Databasename] -i[Filepath]

After that check the table how many row affected.

For More information about sqlcmd

Type sqlcmd -? in command prompt



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