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Database changes with Audit Table

In Recent I faced the problem whenever we need to move the DB Changes to Production environment we have some table in the Development environment .we have added some columns to table in Development. we need to change definitions in production environment also .At this time we are some little bit of problem facing . Today I come up with the solution we need to create the DDL trigger on Database level. Whenever we are moving the DB Changes to Production environment we can cross check audit table.  

--Create Student Table
create table Student
                id int identity(1,1) ,
                Name varchar(100)

--Create Audit Table
 create table Audit
 EventType nvarchar(max),
 Command nvarchar(max),
 Createdon datetime
--Create DDL Trigger on Database
create  trigger AuditDBChanges
on database
for create_table,alter_table,drop_table
@EventData XML = EVENTDATA();
insert into Audit (EventType,Command,Createdon)
select     @EventData.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/EventType)[1]',   'NVARCHAR(100)'),
 @EventData.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),

--Add Marks column to Student Table
alter table Student add Marks int

-- drop table
drop table Student

--Check the Adit Information
 select * from Audit

-- Disable trigger from Databse
disable trigger AuditDBChanges on database

--Enable trigger from Databse
Enable trigger AuditDBChanges on database

--Drop trigger from Databse
drop trigger AuditDBChanges on database

--For more information about trigger event types
 select * from sys.trigger_event_types


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